Tuesday 13 April 2010

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology - Art Gallery

There was an exposition on different tribes of the world:

This was the modern art side, very interesting!
The stings of metal looked dipersed from the sides and you couldn't tell it had a human shape.
This was a wheel spinning with different men inside attached to it and with a strobe light. In the end, you could only see one man running with arms and legs moving...easy to make but still amazing to look at!

One of the eye of the robot had a camera built in, when you went on the side you could see the display on a screen built in the brain.

These are examples of Art and Microbiology

This is my personal tutor Prof Joanna Verran. There were shapes of stones that you could hold and if you found the right position they would fit with the shape of your body when you hugged it.
This was a box making different sounds by the way you moved your hand in it (on the picture is Kath, one of my supervisors).


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